Faro Youth Group
Youth Group News
- Kettle Café: The Kettle Café will be open for the Seniors Yoga Class on Friday, December 16th at 2:00 pm. You will be dismissed from school early this day; phone the Rec to sign up to work this shift!
- Carving Session with Dennis Shorty: Friday, December 16th, 2 PM: Youth Group Carving Workshop. Join talented artist, Dennis Shorty for a fun and interactive carving workshop. Learn new skills and have a great time. Only 8 spaces available, phone to sign-up! Please note: due to extreme cold temperatures, this workshop was moved from next week to today (notice was given to youth group members). If you can’t make this one, no worries, another session will be held soon!
- Friday, December 16th, 6-9 PM: Youth Group Pizza Dinner and Christmas Movie on the big screen! Join us for a little Christmas get together to celebrate the last day of school and the holiday break!
- Youth Lounge Painting and Graffiti Project! We’ve heard some ideas from you all about how to revitalize and change the Youth Lounge to make it your own awesome space! We’re working on obtaining funding for some bigger items, but would like to start by painting and adding some of your art to the space! Stay tuned for some planning sessions and additional youth group meetings to happen over Christmas break!
- Christmas Programming: Stay tuned for some additional youth group and family activities to take place over Christmas break! Schedule of events to be released soon!