Prevent being fined by purchasing a fishing license at the Conservation Office or Territorial Agent.
A wide range of fishing gear and related equipment is available at the Hardware Store in Faro.
Some of the fish species to catch in our lakes and rivers
- Rainbow trout
- Kokanee salmon
- Arctic char
- Jackfish
- Lake trout
- Arctic Grayling
Safety tips
- Dress according to weather situation
- Be prepared for weather changes
- Wear a life jacket when fishing from a boat
- Let someone know where you go and when they can expect you to be back
- Do not take risks as the consequences of bad judgments could result in drowning.
For more information
Campbell Region Interpretive Centre
Mailing address: P.O. Box 580, Faro, YT, Y0B 1K0
Street address: Campbell Street
(867) 994-2288 (seasonal)
(867) 994-2728 (off season)
Yukon Government Department of Tourism and Culture - Read about fishing in the Yukon.