RCMP & Conservation Officers


The Town of Faro has two full-time members, and although they work scheduled shifts, RCMP are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Given the geographic location of Faro, police have the equipment and training to respond to any situation that would require police assistance which include Search and Rescue operations. Hikers and adventurers are strongly suggested to register their itinerary with the RCMP when they leave and to check in when they come back in case their trip takes a sudden and unexpected turn.


Equipment consists of snowmobiles, ATV's, and boats which are capable of navigating both rivers and lakes. Members have, at their disposal, the RCMP Air Services, Victim Services and an array of other support staff and investigative units which can be called upon for any situation, from their headquarters in Whitehorse.


Faro is a community that has a stable population ranging from 300 in the winter up to 500 in the summer depending, of course, on employment opportunities. The criminal activity rate for Faro is very low. Normally, communities have problems with the youth and petty crime. Again, Faro has no statistics for this problem area, and the youth of the community are unlike those in many other areas.


Members of this detachment practice proactive policing, unlike reactive policing. Community Based Policing is one that is practiced by community members of Faro as well as the police. As the phrase suggests, the community does the policing in Faro, the police are simply icons with the concept. Community Based Policing means that the members are involved with the community in various activities to foster a sense of mutual respect and trust so that people can come forth with complaints or information to assist us with our duties. It also involves the partnership with individuals and organizations to develop solutions to problems. And it encompasses a strong link to Youth to deter them away from crime at a young age through a positive relationship.



Members of this detachment have made commitments to assist the general public, not only with standard police duties, but in education regarding compliance with certain laws. Examples of this are: persons require personal firearms licenses and the registration of firearms. We are prone on educating motorists on the Motor Vehicle Act rather than giving violation tickets to drivers or to educate users of all terrain vehicles (such as quads and side by side) on the safety requirements. RCMP, as well, hold certified snowmobile courses in the winter as well as certified jet boat and regular boat licences


Faro is a law-abiding community, a community that does everything in its power to encourage people to come and visit.


One of the RCMP mission statements is to work towards safe homes and safe communities. Faro has already accomplished just that.

Conservation Officers Services in Faro

Our office is located on McQuesten Road (next to the Hardware Store).

Regular office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Monday to Friday.

We have hunting, fishing, and trapping licences for sale as well as campground, wildlife export, and other permits. We have various publications and brochures as well as videos available for loan.

Call us, or the TIPP hotline (1-800-661-0525), if you observe an environmental or fish and wildlife related violation. Nuisance wildlife concerns may also be reported through the TIPP line.

We also provide group talks, on various topics, upon request.

For more information, call our office at (867) 994-2862

Remember the Three Rules of Conservation

  1. Respect wildlife
  2. Take only what you need
  3. Use all that you take

Thank you and stay safe!