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Taxes & Property Assessement

Property Tax Notice

Property tax notices are mailed to all tax payers by mid-May by Yukon Government.


Due Date & Penalty

Property Taxes are due on July 2nd or next business day.

After the deadline, a 10% late penalty is applied to unpaid accounts.


Tax Liens

Properties with outstanding tax account balances on December 31st are subject to tax liens.


Taxation Year

The taxation year is January 1st to December 31st of the current calendar year.


Payment Options for Property Taxes

Please note, property taxes cannot be paid using credit card. Property taxes can be paid by cash, cheque or debit.


Methods to pay your property taxes include:

  1. E-transfer -  Can be made to
  1. In-Person - to Town Office 200 Campbell Street,  between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday – Friday by Cash, Cheque, Debit 
  2. By Mail - (cheque or money order). Make cheque payable to Town of Faro. Cheques may be postdated to the due date. The Town of Faro will also file postdated cheques if you would like to fill out ahead of time.

Calculation of Property Taxes

The Government of Yukon provides the municipality with current property assessments (property value) for property taxation purposes. These assessments are broken down by land and improvements.  


The Town of Faro annually establishes the tax rates to be levied upon all taxable real property in the Town of Faro as set out in the ‘’Property Tax Bylaw’’.


A tax rate is the rate of taxation applied against the value of property within a municipality to collect the revenue required. The tax rate may be expressed in "mills” (dollars in tax paid per thousand dollars of property value) or as a percentage of the property’s value. 


For example a tax rate of 1.52% on a property valued at $100,000 would require a payment of $1,520 in property tax.


Reduce the Amount of Property Taxes You Pay - Apply for Your Homeowner Grant Today!
 Whether you pay in person, by internet banking or through you mortgage company an application must be submitted if you are claiming the grant.

Property owners may be eligible for a Yukon Home Owner’s Grant. 


Property Assessments and Appeal Process

Information regarding Property Assessment and the Appeals process can be obtained on the Government of Yukon’s website or by contacting Property Assessment & Taxation Department, Government of Yukon. 

Phone: (867) 667-5268 Toll Free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5268 
