Faro airport (Ident: ZFA - Elevation: 2351 ASL) has a 4000" x 100' gravel runway with lights (ARCAL enabled) and provides hourly weather reports filed with Environment Canada. The airport is manned 7 days a week, and provides Flight Plan filing (through Whitehorse Flight Services). The airport is adjacent to Johnson Lake, which is used as a float plane base (6000 feet). Both Faro Airport and Johnson Lake are listed in the Canada Flight Supplement and Aerodrome Flight Supplement respectively. Tie downs and plug-ins for aircraft are available.
Faro Airport Services
- Emergency Services
- Air and Ground Communication Services
- Weather Observation Service
- Flight Planning Service
- Communications, Equipment and NAVAIDs Services
- Aerodrome Status Reporting Service
- Administrative Service
Phone: (867) 994-2791
Yukon Government Department of Highways and Public Works Yukon Government Aviation Information